
又真又活的獨一真神 (創1:26; 出20:3; 申6:4; 民6:24-26; 賽48:16;
63:7-10; 太12:28;28:19; 路3:22; 約1:32;14:25-31;15:26-27; 林
將來要在榮耀與權能中親自再臨地上(賽7:14; 太1:20-23; 路1:35; 約
1:1-4,14;14:1-3; 徒2:22-24,32-36; 羅5:8; 林前15:3-8; 林後5:21;
多2:14; 來9:12-15; 彼前2:21-25; 約壹2:2)。
(約3:3-7;16:7-13; 羅8:1-14,26-27; 林前6:19-20;12:3; 弗5:17-21;
帖前5:19; 帖後2:13)。
5:18; 林前2:13; 提後3:16-17; 彼後1:21)。
13,16-17; 約1:12-13; 羅3:10-12,23; 林後5:17; 弗1:3-8;2:8-9)。
20;徒1:8;2:41-42,47; 弗1:20-23;2:19-22;5:23-24; 西1:18)。
七、浸禮與擘餅聚會為聖經所教導的兩大聖禮,全教會應共同遵守 (太26:
26-28;28:19; 可14:22-24;16:16; 徒2:38; 羅6:3-4; 林前11:23-26;
13;16:27-28; 約5:24-29; 徒1:10,11; 林前15:52-54;腓3:20-21; 帖
前4:16-18; 多2:13)。

Our Statement of Faith

Our beliefs are a celebration of the evangelical faith. We are committed to the sound teaching and preaching of the inspired Word of God.

There is only one true and living God, Creator of the universe, who exists eternally in three persons — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — and that these three are one God.

Jesus Christ, our Lord, is the only Son of God, who became flesh through the Virgin Mary, died on the cross as the atonement for sin, was buried, rose again bodily from the dead, ascended to the Father in heaven, and will personally returned to earth in glory and power.

The Holy Spirit, the third person of the blessed Trinity, the Comforter, dwells in every believer, and is ever present to testify of Christ.

The Bible — containing the sixty-six books in the Old and New Testaments — is inspired by God as originally written and is therefore infallible and inerrant. The Bible centers about the Lord Jesus Christ, and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct of the Christian.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God, but fell through sin and thus became eternally dead in trespasses and sins and subject to the power of the devil. Man’s redemption has been accomplished solely by grace through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and man’s salvation and eternal life come only through faith in Christ and through the regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

There is only one Church, which is the body of Christ, to which all believers belong, and whose mission is to witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ, fulfilling His great commission by preaching the Gospel to all nations.

Baptism of believers by immersion and the Lord’s Supper partaken by baptized believers are the two scriptural ordinances to be observed in the Church.

The Lord Jesus Christ will be coming in the air to receive His own to Himself into Heaven when the dead in Christ will be resurrected and living Christians will be transformed, and that this event is the blessed hope set before us to which we should be constantly looking.